Summer Camp - 1958

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Ready for departure Tring Station

At Tring Station ready for departure for camp at Newquay. Sqn Ldr Stirling (an England rugby player) is attempting to play the pipes.

(Photo Dave Allen)

Arrival at Camp

Arrival at the summer camp site at the Holywell Bay territorial army camp near Newquay.

(Photo unknown)

87th Banner with Tents

87th entry banner with the camp tents in the backgound.

(Photo Chris East)

Showing off the 87th Banner

Showing off the 87th banner.

(Photo unknown)

87th Pipe Band

The 87th pipe band leads the 87th banner around the army camp.

(Photo Chris East)

Cliff Abseiling

Abseiling on the cliffs at the local beach. The late Vic Hosking is the strongman at the rear with Pete Hands in front of him.

(Photo Chris East)

Bodmin Moor Hike

A rest stop on the Bodmin moor hike with the camp rockape.

Jimmy Jones, Tony Margetts, Paul Sellers, Sid Gibbs, Derek Copping,

(Photo Chris East)

Girls on beach with 87th Banner

Girls on local Holywell Bay beach show off 87th banner.

(Photo Ian Dobson)


87th Riggers in the Corner Cafe in Holywell Bay.

(Photo unknown)