At Tring Station ready for departure for camp at Newquay. Sqn Ldr Stirling (an England rugby player) is attempting to play the pipes. (Photo Dave Allen) |
Arrival at the summer camp site at the Holywell Bay territorial army camp near Newquay. (Photo unknown) |
87th entry banner with the camp tents in the backgound. (Photo Chris East) |
Showing off the 87th banner. (Photo unknown) |
The 87th pipe band leads the 87th banner around the army camp. (Photo Chris East) |
Abseiling on the cliffs at the local beach. The late Vic Hosking is the strongman at the rear with Pete Hands in front of him. (Photo Chris East) |
A rest stop on the Bodmin moor hike with the camp rockape. Jimmy Jones, Tony Margetts, Paul Sellers, Sid Gibbs, Derek Copping, (Photo Chris East) |
Girls on local Holywell Bay beach show off 87th banner. (Photo Ian Dobson) |
87th Riggers in the Corner Cafe in Holywell Bay. (Photo unknown) |