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2003 Reunion in Scotland



This year's reunion was held at Banchory near Aberdeen.  Banchory is the home of Dave and Pat Green who organised this reunion. Some people arrived on the Friday to allow for more tourist activities in this beautiful area of Deeside.


Pat and Dave had arranged information on the many places to visit and had provided a welcoming goody-bag at the hotel including a miniature of Royal Lochnagar whisky.  Many members visited the distillery near Balmoral, including Chantal and Chris East.


There were also vouchers for the local icecream which Jim Thompson and Dave Green are enjoying here.


Another advantage of arriving Friday was the fantastic evening barbecue which Pat and Dave Green had organised at their home.


The barbecue was superbly set out and the food was delicious, but eventually it became a little chilly despite the outdoor heating provided.  Bob Acott and Jan James look ready to head indoors for the sweet course.


Chris and Jan James  are now indoors; Jan is looking much happier.


Tim and Sue Wykes are enjoying their puddings


Dave Green was splendidly dressed in a black Robin Hood jacket, or is he the Sheriff of Nottingham!


Now this is really comfortable spot for Mike Stephenson and Bob Acott.


In the kitchen Chris East quizes David Gayton on forenames of untraced members to aid his internet searches.


Peter Davison, who has only found us in recent months, joins the conversation.


Dave Green and his well stocked bar.


Jim Thompson with Gus Turbull and Sue Thompson in the bar before dinner.


All now seated for dinner, Dave Green presents his wife with flowers for having taken on so well the complete organisation of the reunion.


Followed by Chris East presenting a bouquet to Pat on behalf of the guys and dolls of the 87th.


Dave Green is overseeing the event.


and now is reminding us of what we had ordered off the menu a few months back.


Jim Thompson, our usual honorary Padre, gave us Grace before the meal, working in to his humorous piece the fact that "87" rhymes with "heaven".  Next time we should make him wear a dog-collar.


Richard Waldron; Mark and June Thompson; Mike Stephenson; Jan and Chris James; Bob and Isobel Acott.


Tina and Patrick Cull.  This was their first time at an 87th reunion as Patrick found us not long ago via an advert for this reunion in the RAFA News.  Patrick and Tina live in Leuchars which is not too far from Banchory so they were able to drive over for the event.


Tom Turner's back; Iren Shand; Peter and Valerie Davison; George Picksley.


Valerie Davison; Rita Picksley: Dave and Pat Green; Tom Turner.


We were entertained for most of the evening by an excellent magician who used to be a Boggie (TG28 I think).  Here he tries to impress Sue and Tim Wykes and Chantal East.


Julia and Roger Guest from St Andrews in Scotland are also on the above table,


as are Heather and David Gayton.


The magician has called for help from the floor.


The magician-executioner has his own special design of "guillotine", but the victim, Sarah Turnbull,escaped with her head on this occasion.


Valerie Davison; George and Rita Picksley; Dave Green.


Relaxing after the meal:  Chris James, Isobel Acott, Richard Waldron; Mark and June Thompson; Mike Stephenson.


David Gayton and Roger Guest - a handsome pair - bet they had box pleats in their day!


After dinner we retired to the bar.  What has Chris East got to say here? To be honest he cannot remember a word he said at this stage!  Bob Acott looks on.


Typically Scottish breakfast on Sunday morning included porridge (the Scottish way of couse), kippers and smoked haddock. Jim Thompson; Julia Guest; Sue Thompson; Roger Guest.


The traditional Sunday morning planning meeting decided that the next reunion would be held to coincide with the next Halton trienial reunion on 25 September 2004.


Dave Green and Gus Turnbull have a quiet chat in the bar after the meeting.


In front of the hotel after breakfast.

Julia GuestJim Thompson; Sue Thompson; Sarah Turnbull; Roger Guest; Gus Turnbull.