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87th Members with E-Mail Addresses
Almost half of the 87th members we have traced now have access to e-mail. The following are contactable by e-mail. Addresses will be shown here as a member's authorisation is received. Until then you can obtain the addresses from me (Chris East) or on the periodic entry listings I send out. If you are happy to show your e-mail address here please let me know. Note that AT represents @ to fool automatic address trawling systems.
Pat Achilles
Bob Acott
Bryan Baker
Gerald Beament
Ron Bean
Gregory Blundal
Keith Brandwood
Terry Brook
Trevor Bunce
Eric Burgess
Michael Burgess
Michael Campbell
Peter Colk
Terry Corber
Mike Crawford
Brian Crosby
David Davies
Charles Davis
Peter Davison
Ian Dobson - Idobson8ATaol.com
Vic Driver
Keith Duffy
Mike Durrant - m00z2w00ATmcmail.com
Chris East - chriseast87ATgmail.com
Michael Eddyvean
Peter Edmunds
Brian Evans
Peter Excell
Bob Foggo
Allen Fordham
Sid Foster
Colin Franks
Bill Galloway
Barry Garland
David Gayton
David Gilbert
Fred Gilpin
Allan Goodburn
Chris Gosbee
Geoff Gregory - ggregoryATnetcomuk.co.uk
Norman Hall
Peter Harmsworth - peterhATctaz.com
Sid Harding - sidhardingATbtinternet.com
Derek Head - drheadATsupanet.com
Mike Hodge - mikehodgeATwaitrose.com
Derek Hogarth - saffraanweg38ATmsn.com
Tony Honey
Charles Hunn
Chris Pemberton-James - PGO15EAThotmail.com
Paul Kelly
Colin Lawrence
Bob Loundes
Brian MacAndrew
David Mann
Tony Margetts - tonyATww.co.nz
Terry Marker
Jack McKee
John McManus
Pete Monk
Allen Murray - skytrucker87ATaol.com
Gordon Nash
Tony Moss
Gordon Nash
Ed Neal - e.neal4ATntlworld.com
Terry O'Neill
David Owen
Bill Parker
Derek Parks
George Picksley - randg.picksleyATbtinternet.com
Colin Pimm
Bernard Pink
Colin Piper
Arthur Puffet
Derek Restorick
Scottie Riley
Reg Roberts
Paul Sellers
Tony Sharley- tsharleyATtelefonica.net
Ross Skelton - rskeltonATtcd.ie
Colin Smedley - oscarAToscarpix.co.uk
Ken Smith - kenneth.psmithATbtopenworld.com
David Southwood
David Stephens
Len Sutton
Eddie Taylor
John Thackray
Dave Thomas - deetee537ATtalktalk.net
Jim Thompson - james.thompson213ATntlworld.com
Mark Thompson - june.v.thompsonATbtinternet.com
Ian Turner
Tom Turner
Gus Turnbull - GTurnbullGusATaol.com
Michael Urry
Ross Vince
John Voisey
Richard Waldron - richard.waldron5ATbtopenworld.com
Tim Wykes